Woohoo!!! Made it to the end of week 2!! Man this week was awesome, it just flew by, guess time really does fly by when your having fun! Took some time these last 2 weeks to focus more on my diet and get one set up good. I decided to start doing a 2700 cal per day, 40% carbs 30% protein and 30% fat. I'll be eating 6 times a day with 2 of my meals being whey protein shakes. Seems to be working good considering when I weighed my self on my start day I weighed 200 Lbs, now as of today I weigh 192 Lbs, thats a total of 8 Lbs gone for good!!
I'm kicking myself in the butt right now for not taking my body measurements on day one, but I did take them today. I plan on taking them every two weeks to see my progress and make adjustments to my diet as I go.
Body Measurements as of April 14th 2010
Begining of Week 3
Height: 6ft 1in Weight: 192 BodyFat%: 27% Waist: 38.5 Hips: 38.5
Arms: 15 Both Chest: 41 Thighs: 23.5 Both
Last Years Body Measurement Before my unfit experiment 7-26-09
Height: 6ft 1in Weight: 187 BodyFat%: 22% Waist: 37 Hips: 35
Arms: 15.5 Chest: 41.5 Thighs: 24
As you can see with my measurement I lost alot of muscle and gained alot of fat since last year with my unfit experiment. This is why I'm kicking myself in the butt for not taking my measurements in the begining, because two week ago I weighed 200 Lbs. I can just imagine what my measurements were then. So alittle advice take your measurement when you first start, if you've already started then stop what your doing now and take them. You will be able to track your progress a whole lot better in the end.
I still took things a little easy in week 2 and already kicked the intensity up today for week 3. I plan on turning up the heat each week till I can keep up with Tony and the gang. Ended week 2 with Kenpo and I tell ya what I was so pumped up all way through, man it was awesome I flew through it like it was nothing! My cardio has improved tremendously over the last 2 weeks. In week one the warm ups were killing me and now there just a thing! Everything just keeps getting easier as you progress in the workouts, keep pacing yourself and raising the intensity level bit by bit. Keep moving forward and keep pressing play !
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